Tuesday, May 27, 2008

VISA, don't leave America w/o it! Itz every where YOU WANT TO BE, priceless

Okay.... First Post here we Go! So as some of you may know and for those who do not... I am going to Korea, Republic of! South Siiide! hehe. I am Very Very excited!!!

To go and Stay for the summer I need a Visa! D-4 to be exact. Tomorrow Morning I will head over to Newton (300 Washington Street to be exact, sorta... I've gotten two different address' from google, so we'll see how i
t panes out)


The link I've given ^^ is to Boston's Korean Consulate site...This link is Useless!!! (on my computer anyway) Any time I have gone to this web page, nothing is clickable...(sp?) I just thought you might want to share as much of the planning process as possible with me. :-)

Allright, it is now time for me to head off to bed.
Todays Korean word is... Tae Guk gi / taegukgi / Tay-goo-Kee (the Korean K is simultaneous sounding with the English letter G.)

The name of the Korean Flag.

There is more Info here...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_South_Korea <-- click/ or just Highlight Copy and Paste into your web browser. Anyong (informal goodbye in korean), xoxox 노미

p.s. I'm sorry for those who cannot see / or read what I wrote, I just signed my name is Korean thats all :-) bye

1 comment:

Sally said...

hey nomi- wow what an adventure so far. All I wanna know is... why is that fresh squeezed orange juice so unhappy???? We miss you at afterschool! _ Sally