Okay, so this is often a touchy subject but I am going to do
my best to be open-minded about other peoples feelings, views, and opinions etc...
(p.s. today I was VERY sleepy, I ended up taking a 5 hour nap, but i did start a drawing [still life] :). ) Anywho...
So, while I am over here I am very interested in "taking in" as much Art as possible. For me that of course includes street art / graffiti!
I know this subject can be very controversial, so if you are someone who is extremely, mildly or just in general opposed to the thought, act, etc of street art / graffiti, please Do Not read any further!
In general... or if I were forced to choose (let's not be too dramatic here) but let's say if someone came up to me with a sharp/pointy stick and they said, "Nomi, tell me, do you like / agree with graffiti and street art; if you don't answer me I'll stick you in the eye with this sharp/pointy stick! And I'm not kidding". I would probably have to say, "Yes, I agree with it, I like graffiti and street art (I think there are some inappropriate places to put it, but to each artist his/her own; every thing's legal until ya' get caught right?)".
So here are some pieces I've seen so far... There is a wall close to the art schools' area of Seoul that has a mural on it, a roll of film, with different images painted inside each section, however, on top there are some markings, which, I'm not sure how I feel about. The paintings were/are very cool, but the new markings don't necessarily "take away" from the mural either, I haven't decided one way or the other, nor do I know if this piece was commissioned or not...

These next ones I found around the same area.

(I don't know who Nana is [although coincidently Miss Korea 2002's name is Nana, she also just graduated from Harvard / class '08
AND Doug and I definitely [unknowingly @ the time] saw her and a friend being filmed down Newbury St. RIGHT Before I left...
And then I watched the segment at Adjuma's, here in INCHEON!!!]

p.s. I've also seen more NaNa work, more pictures and investigation to come, for those interested....And for the Grande Finale.... I just want to quickly add... DOUG DID IT FIRST!!! ^_^
^he did his on his Peru Trip though^
I had no idea Seung-Hye had the camera, I was trying to do this quickly, and so that neither of the children would see me (come one guys... I DO work in an after-school program / love kids etc) but I guess I accidently handed it to her, instead of putting it into my bag... awkward....
and of course now I have no idea when she took this^ , before or after I started writing... OY VEY! way to be a role model for a 6 yr old, right....
Alrighty then, so that's what I have for you guys todayOn this NaNa one

It reads NaNa nun, chin-cha ya.
Which translates into Nana is real, Ya! (like the American "hey")
well at least I'm pretty sure that's what it says...
b/c 는 (nun) comes after a name or thing that exists and 진짜 (chin-cha) means really. 야 (and I already explained ya)
So here are some sites I thought you might want to check out....
~Street Art
~Korean Street Art
p.s. As I had stated before, I do believe there are some places where street art & graffiti don't belong, when we got to the site I noticed little inscriptions every where... on the pillars, on the stairs, on the walls... had there been no markings at all (or even only a few) I would not have touched an already untouched place.
x's and o's.