okay, so I got a flickr account, but it only lets you add so many photos per month for a free account, so I might be adding more than one account either that or I'll break down and pay the fee. Anyhoo There is a small slide show of photos up on the blog now. :)
tomorrow (Sun. 6/29) I move to the new house. I've talked with my host mom a few times, she seems very nice. I even dropped by the Homestay Korea office and met up with Jamie, who has been emailing me and giving me the heads up of what's going on with homestay and immersion programs around my school etc. She's been very awesome.
Tomorrow David* (OMGosh I hope I remembered his name correctly) and hopefully Jamie too are coming to get me in Incheon @ 5p. And then we're, I'm off. Oh, p.s. David is another staff member of the homestay or. I met him Fri, he seems very nice.
HOLY MOLY! It is Soooo Hot in here!! I feel like my legs are melting off! I really think if you walked over here, to Korea I mean (well, duh, haha) and you walked into my room; your face would melt off!! And then I'd make my disgusted "potato salad with milk" face and be like "GROSSO"!!!!!
Speaking of Grosso.... tonight we went out to dinner at this place called nolboo's and it was pretty good; but we were sitting right next to the window... And all of a sudden I watch Seung-Hye stand up and point and in English and kinda loud actually she says "LOOK!"
so I turn around and there's this young man (who I had actually been kinda watching before) stumbling trying to get up off of a bench, he had a friend with him trying to help him, with not much success! So we go back to eating and then more attention starts being paid to this guy. And who I can only assume were his parents, because Adjuma kept saying they were; were trying to help him get up. So the consensus in Konglish was that he had had waaaay too much to drink... but on top of throwing up (which Seung-Hyun very kindly shielded me from) he had a good sized gash on his cheek bone and appeared to spitting out some blood... at one point I turned around right before we left and "the mother" was shoving a napkin into his mouth, "trying to clean up/ stop the bleeding"?. Throughout this ordeal / dinner show for some patrons I had asked if I should go out there, well my first reaction was that someone call 119 (don't forget I'm in Korea ;) ) But Adjuma was like, "no, no he's had too much to drink" And then I also pointed out that I had my wallet first aid /CPR card and the wallet guide or First Aid with me. I mean "Yes, the young man probably DID have too much to drink; that was the situation that brought him to lying all over the bench outside the restaurant"... But I had heard quite a few thuds while glancing out the window seeing his "parents" struggle to get him up. I was really concerned, b/c I mean there could be alcohol poisoning, or I dunno a concussion with the way people had been "throwing" him around on that bench...
Part of me sees where it isn't/wasn't my place to intervene, but gut Realllly wanted to help and make sure he was going to be okay. Adjuma suggested I give the family a band aid (when I went to the Korean Folk Village [especially when I'm with young kids] I always carry a small first aid box with me (a few band-aids, sani-wipes, napkins, gloves if I remember) Anyway, a little boy had fallen and was bleeding from a small cut, so I went over and offered to the mother to help, so I was REALLY careful and wiped his cut with a sani-wipe and put a band-aid on it and talked to him while I was doing it and then I gave the mom an extra, just in case; SEE? See how handy that was...lol :-) ANNNNYYYYYWHO, so I gave adjuma one of my sani-wipes and a band-aid and she went over and gave it to the folks who were helping the young man out. They called out thank you. I'm hoping everything turned out okay, i think if I had been meant to be apart of the situation I would have been, so maybe I wasn't needed after all. At least it's keeping all my First-Aid and CPR training Fresh :-)
So I took a picture of the subway map in Seoul & around the area so everyone could/can see where I'm moving to....
There is the 411 on that. I'm also going to include some pictures of the new house that were emailed to me. The family also has a website, so I'll include that link too. :-)

so here is the name of the house and link attached... ELIMINU
please check it out.
if the link does not work, try googling "eliminu house", "eliminu house Korea"
I think that'd it for now. I will post more tomorrow if I think of anything to add before the move.
p.s. Thank you for all your concerns and advice after my "Lost" moment / episode!!!
1 comment:
Ok I'm confused. Why do you have to move? Did I miss that back in the blogs somewhere? At least the places look very, very nice (and rich). Maybe we should move to Korea...
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