Lunch: jcha-jcha myung
Essentially.. noodles in
soybean paste with onion,
potato, beans and meat...
Which Of Course I picked out :-)

CLOSE UP! Mmmmmmmm
Sides: Pickled Radish (my fave)
(bland) onion
black dipping sauce; taste... (?)

Yum, yum, into my Tum...
soybean paste with onion,
potato, beans and meat...
Which Of Course I picked out :-)
CLOSE UP! Mmmmmmmm
Sides: Pickled Radish (my fave)
(bland) onion
black dipping sauce; taste... (?)
Yum, yum, into my Tum...
Okay, so that was lunch round 12...

I Really love the contrast these houses/apartments have against one another It's all very cool. And Seoul is in the heart of a Valley, so with certain images you can see the mountains centered off in the distance, very cool!!!
I felt like a total snoop taking pictures of peoples houses, but I DID tr to be discreet!


I Really love the contrast these houses/apartments have against one another It's all very cool. And Seoul is in the heart of a Valley, so with certain images you can see the mountains centered off in the distance, very cool!!!
I felt like a total snoop taking pictures of peoples houses, but I DID tr to be discreet!
TODAY::::: 61308:::::
(well, technically 61408)
(well, technically 61408)
Anywho... when I got there and was going to go in, there were a bunch of people crowded around ( so I thought "Oh, maybe there's some sort of signing going on..." ; but then I noticed Cameras and people with LOTS of papers stapeled together "scripts?" I thought.... And then there were trucks and trailers and vans and such.... and I was really confused, like some other people around me... and i didn't know if it was okay if I went in or not, so I did one of those "looking around, trying act confident dances, when really you're confused as all egt out!!!!!" And then this guy, techie... IDK, looks at me and motions for me to go, (like it's okay for me to pass through I'm not interrupting a scene kinda thing)... And/But I'm still SO Confused as to whether or not I can go into this book store.... and I must have had that exact look on my face, b/c after motioning a second time, he says real loud and slow "GOOOooooooo" with an exaggerated motion of his arm, while looking and laughing at his friends.... oooOOOOOooooo he made me so upset!!!!!! So as I was walking by I said quite loudly "to myself" PABOYAEYO!! (korean = to be stupid... pabo = stupid; yaeyo = to exist/to be) I felt a teeny bit better, but I still want to go into that book store!!!!!! I've been on a HUNT for Hanguk Vogue!!!! I found one today at a much smaller book shop...... FROM March 2003! But then I took a short cut (crossing the street [they DO NOT have enough cross walks here, no sarcasm!] through the subway passage, like at Harvard <--- across from the UU church and The Yard... Inside the station, was a little news stand and I saw all these World Fashion Mags... Korean Elle Girl, Korean Teen Vogue, so I asked for Vogue and the woman pulled out THE JUNE 2008 BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND HOLY MOLY WAS IT HEAVY!!!!!!! so I said I'd be back, there was No way Jose I was carrying that thing around with me for the next 4/5 hours... I didn;t go back YET but there's plenty of time, I will :-) hehehehe...GIDDINESS.
allrighty then I am off to bed.... I have been invited to Haelmoni's (Grandmother in korean) Birthday. I'll get to meet the rest of the family too, I'm very excited... but maybe not as much as Adjuma, she's too funny / cute :-) It's Great Being here!!!!
allrighty then I am off to bed.... I have been invited to Haelmoni's (Grandmother in korean) Birthday. I'll get to meet the rest of the family too, I'm very excited... but maybe not as much as Adjuma, she's too funny / cute :-) It's Great Being here!!!!
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