Wednesday, July 16, 2008

School and such

With school picking up, midterms ARE right around the corner, Fri. everything seems to be moving at High Speed. I basically feel like I'm a complete random mix of emotions!!!!
This trip is getting me to start sorting out my priorities, or at least discover what they are.... I'm trying to rake it all in stride, but I do miss the Boston weather!!!! It's SO HUMID here!!! If you think it's hot and humid in Bean town, you're wrong. Please don't argue, it's just something you're going to have to except! Nothing (apart from other places, I have not been) compares to the Humidity in Seoul!!!!! And I now know why they call it monsoon season!!! hehe. Rain one day, Humidity like CRAZY next, Rain the next day & on & on & on....

I have been drawing a bit, I'll be doing my best to post those asap. I also need to get to the post office to try and get some stamps, mailings and letters and such must go out.

Love you all, esp. Mum, Daddy, Ry, Roomie (who I DO MISS terribly!!!) Nam-Ja Chingu, BFFL (aww look at all these cute names I've come up with for people) And of course the one who I got my good looks from.. BOB!!! (tehehehehehehehehehe, oh that was fun! AL, I hope you liked that one.xoxoxoxoxoxox


p.s. That totally reminds me of when we were little (you and i Ry) and we would have sun dinners at GM's with the whole fam and when we would say (Catholic) grace and it was your turn (Ryan) you would start thanking God for EVEEEEERYONE in our family. "And god bless, mummy & daddy & nomi & oreo & aunty susan & wil & Grandmother & Grandfather & Cloud & Butterscotch (R.I.P. carnivorous rodents).... And finally Mum or Dad would be like "Okay Ry, that's enough let's bless them all and eat."

ohhhh MAAAAAN that just put such a smile on my face!!!!!!!


Aunti Val said...

Nomi, that was excellent!! I had totally forgot about those pre-Sunday Dinner prayers.......that lovingly took For-Ev-AH!!!! How's your little umbrella holding up in Monsoon season?!!! Love you and miss you so much.

Kisses - Mummy xoxoxoxoxo

PS - you made AL very happy!!!!

Daddy said...

Hi Baby Goyle!
Very Funny post.
Where ahhh all the pictures??

Daddy said...

Only 53 more days until Nomi's new blog.....Nomigoesmanchester.....YAYI miss you like WICKED WHOA!!

and why do I have to create a new acct everytime I post????? Is it me??????

Aunti Val said...

Rich - it's Man-che-stah!! When our Nomi will come back to us and live her life out happily going to Hess-ah while living in the basement!
Nom - can't wait, can you!!
Miss you a WICKED LOT!!!!!

AL said...




He will love it when I tell him about it; right now is too early to wake him...

This is the thanks I get, for all I have done over the years (insert sound of violins)... first bath... cutting your nails so your mum would not cut off your little fingers...

Was I not the one who cut the pants to free you, oh my genius godchild????? Next time, stay stuck!

Bob, indeed.... sigh...

love, AL

PS -- yes Richard, it is you.

Daddy said...