(p.s. today I was VERY sleepy, I ended up taking a 5 hour nap, but i did start a drawing [still life] :). ) Anywho...
So, while I am over here I am very interested in "taking in" as much Art as possible. For me that of course includes street art / graffiti!
I know this subject can be very controversial, so if you are someone who is extremely, mildly or just in general opposed to the thought, act, etc of street art / graffiti, please Do Not read any further!
In general... or if I were forced to choose (let's not be too dramatic here) but let's say if someone came up to me with a sharp/pointy stick and they said, "Nomi, tell me, do you like / agree with graffiti and street art; if you don't answer me I'll stick you in the eye with this sharp/pointy stick! And I'm not kidding". I would probably have to say, "Yes, I agree with it, I like graffiti and street art (I think there are some inappropriate places to put it, but to each artist his/her own; every thing's legal until ya' get caught right?)".
So here are some pieces I've seen so far... There is a wall close to the art schools' area of Seoul that has a mural on it, a roll of film, with different images painted inside each section, however, on top there are some markings, which, I'm not sure how I feel about. The paintings were/are very cool, but the new markings don't necessarily "take away" from the mural either, I haven't decided one way or the other, nor do I know if this piece was commissioned or not...

So here are some pieces I've seen so far... There is a wall close to the art schools' area of Seoul that has a mural on it, a roll of film, with different images painted inside each section, however, on top there are some markings, which, I'm not sure how I feel about. The paintings were/are very cool, but the new markings don't necessarily "take away" from the mural either, I haven't decided one way or the other, nor do I know if this piece was commissioned or not...
These next ones I found around the same area.

(I don't know who Nana is [although coincidently Miss Korea 2002's name is Nana, she also just graduated from Harvard / class '08 AND Doug and I definitely [unknowingly @ the time] saw her and a friend being filmed down Newbury St. RIGHT Before I left... And then I watched the segment at Adjuma's, here in INCHEON!!!])

(I don't know who Nana is [although coincidently Miss Korea 2002's name is Nana, she also just graduated from Harvard / class '08 AND Doug and I definitely [unknowingly @ the time] saw her and a friend being filmed down Newbury St. RIGHT Before I left... And then I watched the segment at Adjuma's, here in INCHEON!!!])

p.s. I've also seen more NaNa work, more pictures and investigation to come, for those interested....
And for the Grande Finale.... I just want to quickly add... DOUG DID IT FIRST!!! ^_^
I had no idea Seung-Hye had the camera, I was trying to do this quickly, and so that neither of the children would see me (come one guys... I DO work in an after-school program / love kids etc) but I guess I accidently handed it to her, instead of putting it into my bag... awkward....

and of course now I have no idea when she took this^ , before or after I started writing... OY VEY! way to be a role model for a 6 yr old, right....
Alrighty then, so that's what I have for you guys today
On this NaNa one
And for the Grande Finale.... I just want to quickly add... DOUG DID IT FIRST!!! ^_^
and of course now I have no idea when she took this^ , before or after I started writing... OY VEY! way to be a role model for a 6 yr old, right....
Alrighty then, so that's what I have for you guys today
On this NaNa one
It reads NaNa nun, chin-cha ya.
Which translates into Nana is real, Ya! (like the American "hey")
Which translates into Nana is real, Ya! (like the American "hey")
well at least I'm pretty sure that's what it says...
b/c 는 (nun) comes after a name or thing that exists and 진짜 (chin-cha) means really. 야 (and I already explained ya)
So here are some sites I thought you might want to check out....
~Street Art
~Korean Street Art
p.s. As I had stated before, I do believe there are some places where street art & graffiti don't belong, when we got to the site I noticed little inscriptions every where... on the pillars, on the stairs, on the walls... had there been no markings at all (or even only a few) I would not have touched an already untouched place.
x's and o's.
So here are some sites I thought you might want to check out....
~Street Art
~Korean Street Art
p.s. As I had stated before, I do believe there are some places where street art & graffiti don't belong, when we got to the site I noticed little inscriptions every where... on the pillars, on the stairs, on the walls... had there been no markings at all (or even only a few) I would not have touched an already untouched place.
x's and o's.
Ooooh. Pretty naughty. Might not want to take photos of yourself tagging. You know, rep, police, all that.
hi PF,
I think graffiti looks great on street level bare walls and posts, and on the outside of subway cars.
But not over existing artwork. I think that is disrespectful, one artist to another....
Love your photos, the kids are a hoot, your commentaries, your smiles.
All well here, but the deck reconstruction is taking too long!
Bob misses you, the cats miss you (especially Sammi), and I miss you.
Sort of; it's not like we see each other all the time!
LOL! Have fun~
ooohhhhh - are you in Tr-uu-bble!!
U bad girl! Absolutely LOVE your disclaimer - AND throwing Doug under the bus! You too funny! Actually, have to agree with Auntie Lynn - pick your own bare place to graffitti - don't do it over someone elses work that they risked their neck for! What did your graffitti art say? I applaud the 6 yr old - tell her great camera work! Miss you wicked lot!
Hugs - Mum
Thanks for the warning Pho!! xoxox
missing you
Hi Nomi!
I've had fun following your blogs! I must agree with the person who said the food looks disgusting. Ick! I'm also very impressed with how well you are getting around without knowing the language too well! Quite impressive! Also, I hope you did well on your placement tests! Please let us know! I'm so proud of you and what you are doing!!
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