Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Seung-Hye's playing jingle bells on piano

today I feel tired. It was a pretty good day all & all. I went to costco with adjuma. I got soy milk, that was pretty exciting. I helped Seung-Hyun with his english. Adjuma and I went to pick up Seung-Hye from school (12p) and then we went to the book store. I got two Korean activity books to work on. The placement test is coming soon, and I want to do well, so I am studying studying studying.

here are some videos I took yesterday.... Sun, well whenever I was at the Trad. Korean Village :-) Sorry for the shotty work guys, I didn't realize my video would come out sideways if I turned the camera, I also didn't realize I'd have no idea how to fix it on my mac... go figure....

So, we were walking along, and suddenly I see this little creature in a cage out of the corner of my eye. When I went over to it, It was a Chipmunk! At least it looked like a chipmunk... But it was doing a very odd little dance. It was heartbreaking yet mesmerizing all at the same time....

Aaaaand here are a few more pictures....

<------Queens Style


walking walking walking man....
(& his identical, yet far away twin in the background

Our Subway direction sign....
This one goes out to you Columbus ;-)

Reserved Seating, K-style
See how they include Everyone! who might need reserved seating ?
This one made me smile, so interesting

(Hard to read but..) Bus Stop Route map
for bus to Yonsei from subway stop

MAP OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(or the Seoul Metro Map, take your pick :-P)

Allrighty Mon Petites, most of which who are taller than me... oh rhymes... see how funny I can be @ 1:21 AM... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

oooookay, I think I'm getting a bit maniacal, time for me to make like a... what sleeps? something that sleeps... fish? narcoleptic? <--- a little dramatic, no? A hedgehog! in the day time. YES, I WIN!
Love and Peace to everyone (also for you flower child)



DFNYHC said...

I can't believe they let you wear that hat with the ribbon on it. Did you make up the dance yourself or did they tell you what to do?

Anonymous said...

ah!! they had the same passenger signs on the train in japan!

Aunti Val said...

Columbus - hahaha - you funny! I'm so proud of you being able to decipher that map! Proud of me being able to finally post a comment!

Aunti Val said...

Peaches, Peaches, Pumkin Pie.
Love and Peace from the Flower Child
:-) <3 2 u