Monday, June 9, 2008


Allllrighty, so we're going to work a little backwards today; as nomi has been fighting with the EVIL demon of JetLag. Not sure who the winner is yet...

Sat, June 7th 2008.....

Started the day off with
*studying korean
....then 승혜 came home from school `round 12:30p
(seung-hyae ^ = 6yr)

[seung-hyun =10,
in the background there]
she was very helpful with the Rosetta Stone software! then we hung out and just played around for a while

okay, so I started it.....

but Seung-hyae did it too... hehe

She even got Monkey to do it too!!
go figure... she's such a charmer ;-)

After that Seung-Hyun came home from a birthday party and we
took the bus into Seoul to see Yonsei... It took about an hour to get there. The # 1500 bus goes through some of Incheon, then onto the highway, then through the southern part of the Seoul and over the Han River. Then about 20min later, you/we get off. The bus costs 2,300 won. (<--- so for an hour longs drive, thats pretty good.) We walked a few blocks to Yonsei, it took FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRR.... we weren't quite sure where we were going once we got onto the campus, so adjuma asked a few students and they pointed us in various directions. needless to say we went the Long way...!!! click on Taxi to see the way we WALKED (p.s. ALL HILLS) and click on Bus to see the way I'm NOW going to be going, lol.

After we had our Yonsei Adventure, everyone was Hungry. We took a Taxi (the bus was slow) to the Hyundai department store and went to the 9th floor to have lunch/snack. I just need to say that it is Very hard for a Vegetarian / "forced" Vegan to find something to eat easily. It took a little while but but I finally found some Fresh orange juice, a muffin and duk-bok-gi


We walked to the bus stop (a few blocks) after we ate and I took some pictures of the buildings around us....

Okay, I guess that's only one picture....

OH MY GOSH!!!!! I ALMOST FORGOT!!!! when we were at the dept. store I saw something I've Never seen before!!!!!!!!!!!

i dont know if youre going to be able to see this,
but to the left of the toilette there is a small box,
flush to the wall, that reads "press to make flushing
" Now, I dunno about you.... but to me that
kinda insinuates, public discretion of disencumbering
innards. (<--- if you know what I'm saying) ::And IF that is what it is, I personally think it's
a Grand Idea:: END THOUGHT

ok ok, so I did my research (just now actually) and I suppose I am not the only one who has witnessed this "flushing sound phenomena" see...

okie dokie, I woke up at 3am and wrote b/c I couldnt sleep. I'm going to post some pictures I took when we were at the Korean Traditional Village but then bed.

Sun June 8th 2008


Spiritual Gaurds

Gotta be Honest, not entirely sure

Entrance to yard

house or 집= chip (ch-eep)

National folk Museum
Very Wonderful!!!


okay guys more to come

Lots of Love, and missing you all



DFNYHC said...


Daddy said...

Hi Nomi,
Great Pics. Post some more. Not sure what to make of the flushing box. :-) Sounds like you are getting established and getting out. Have fun today!

DFNYHC said...

Naomi Yawn. I bet you pushed that button 200 times.

노미입니다 said...

Did Not Dingo Face! I was actually in such a rush to get outta there I didn't EVEN get to touch it. But you know I'm going to go searching for an empty bathroom, with ALL empty stalls and run up and down the way pressing each stalls button as soon as I can. tehehehe

Aunti Val said...

Ok - so this is the fourth time I've tried to enter a comment!! I think I've got it now! It sounds like your starting to get settled and the family sounds just wonderful! I'm so happy for you. Want more pics! Have a good day and stay safe! Miss you - miss your voice!